The average house price on SCOTT VALE is £83,817
The most expensive house in the street is 14 SCOTT VALE with an estimated value of £109,165
The cheapest house in the street is 36 SCOTT VALE with an estimated value of £59,186
The house which was most recently sold was 29 SCOTT VALE, this sold on 16 Aug 2022 for £100,000
The postcode for SCOTT VALE is HD2 1HN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
14 SCOTT VALE Terraced £109,165 £67,000 23 Mar 2007
15 SCOTT VALE Terraced , 61 m2 £73,398 £41,000 13 Feb 2006
18 SCOTT VALE Semi-Detached , 64 m2 £76,870 £41,000 11 Apr 2005
29 SCOTT VALE Terraced , 69 m2 £100,470 £100,000 16 Aug 2022
36 SCOTT VALE Terraced , 60 m2 £59,186 £38,000 28 May 2014